
FULL Heart Outfit - View profile for separate listings

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FULL Heart Outfit - View profile for separate listings

3 ratings

Heart outfit from scratch
-I added a separate FBX for Chibi version 4.0 and rigged it the best I could. It may not look the best, please don't hate me. </3

Sculpted and rigged to my slight edit of Nyakoh's (ORIGINAL)chibi base.
Now fitted to panda flat and heel bases!!!

Have knowledge of blender before your purchase.
There may be some clipping. Please message me if it seems like too much.

Includes 1 FBX of separated meshes, all textures, and UV maps
Look to the bottom right of other preview images for blender stats.

Contact me on discord if you find any issues or have questions: CupcakeSprinkle#0566


-Absolutely no leaking, trading, price splitting, redistributing, or reselling

-Asset can be used on public, free, private, and commercial models, but your customers must be aware they are not to take this asset from your avatar. They are to get it from my shop directly.

-Each purchase is non-refundable, unless odd, specific reasons arise. If you have any questions or bugs please message me on the Discord mentioned on my TOS page.

-Please credit me!! You can link my shop page or a direct link to the product. Thank you <3

The copyright in a work initially belongs to the author(s) who created that work. Copyright exists automatically in an original work of authorship once it is fixed in a tangible medium.

This 3D asset is protected by Copyright Law, illegal distribution, and failure to abide by the given Terms of Service of the said asset can be subjected to fines between $200 to $150,000, infringer pays actual dollar amount of damages and profits made by said stolen asset, the infringer will pay all attorney fees and court costs, illegal iterations of the stolen work can be impounded and jail time.

If you need more information on copyright please visit, https://www.copyright.gov/title17/ for more information.

Images edited and used:

<a href="http://www.freepik.com">Designed by rawpixel.com / Freepik</a>

Image by <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/hand-drawn-conversation-hearts-repetitive-pattern_21935504.htm#query=valentines%20pattern&position=6&from_view=search&track=ais">Freepik</a>

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